Brain on alcohol

What does Brain say about alcohol consumption by youths? Read his study, and ponder it on New Year’s Eve. The study is: “Crime and Disorder, Binge Drinking and the Licensing Act 2003,” Kevin Brain, Institute of Alcohol Studies Occasional Paper, January 2000. In it, Kevin Brain says: I… suggest that, currently, young drinkers are caught […]

The the interview (Browne on Browne)

What did you win your prize for? I won my prize for an article written six years ago about how we should alphabetise index entries that start with ‘The’. Most of the rules suggest that you should look for The Beatles and The Bible at ‘B’, but The Hague and first lines of poetry such […]

Tucker Jones joins LFHCfS

Tucker Jones has joined the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists. Liz George, who nominated him, says: Tucker Jones has had luxuriant flowing hair for as long as I’ve known him. Not only is it beautiful, but it is also soft! He graduated from MIT with a BS in Physics and is now doing a […]

Mucus found

The fact that it took researchers this long to realize that jellyfish were in fact enormous floating mucus bags might be the more remarkable revelation here. So writes Zoologix. UPDATE: Investigator Amber writes: It happens occasionally that some blog posts in my reader will seem to mimic posts from other blogs. This came through today […]

Glittery pregnancy test for rhinos

Feeding different-coloured sparkling glitter to two female white rhinos has acted as an impromptu pregnancy test.To keep a check on the hormone levels of Ashanti and Zanta, authorities at Dublin Zoo – who are hoping to breed the animals – added blue and silver glitter to their feed to tell the faeces apart for analysis…. […]